Detectico Review: Locate a Phone by Number with Ease


Modern smartphones come equipped with A-GPS chips for location tracking, but did you know that you can also locate the owner of a traditional push-button phone using just their phone number? In this review, we’ll explore Detectico, a groundbreaking app in location-tracking technology.

What Is Detectico?

Detectico is a web-based application that uses mobile network data to pinpoint a phone’s location by its number. Simply enter the phone number and a text message into the search field. Detectico embeds a hidden tracking link into the text and sends it to the target device. Once the message is opened, you’ll see the exact location of the device on a map.

Detectico Review: Key Features

While many users praise Detectico’s location-tracking feature, we decided to highlight its technical advantages:

  • Extremely Accurate: Unlike free trackers that provide approximate locations, Detectico offers precise coordinates, complete with addresses and timestamps.
  • No Installation Required: Using Detectico is as easy as typing a query into Google—no need for physical access to the target device.
  • Global Coverage: Detectico works with all major network carriers, providing location data from anywhere in the world.
  • Compatibility with All Phone Types: Whether it’s an Android, Windows, iOS smartphone, or even an old push-button phone, Detectico can track it as long as it’s connected to a network.
  • Confidentiality: Detectico ensures anonymity; the tracking request doesn’t include any personal data.
  • Safety: Detectico runs directly from the website without ads or malicious software.
  • Unlimited Device Tracking: Even with a trial subscription, you can locate every number in your contact list without limits.

How Does Detectico Work?

For those seeking a quick start, here’s a simple guide:

  1. Phone Number: Go to, sign up, and enter the target phone number with a custom text message.
  2. Send the Message: Detectico sends your message with a hidden tracking link to the target phone.
  3. Locate: Once the message is opened, Detectico displays the location on a map with the address and coordinates.

Detectico Compatibility

CompatibilityWindows, macOS, iOS, Android
Detectico cost1-day trial for $1.19, 1-month plan for $66.45/mo
Number of DevicesUnlimited
Free TrialNo

This table outlines the key features of Detectico based on the provided points.

Pros and Cons of Detectico


  • Quick and accurate location tracking.
  • No installation needed.
  • Compatible with all phone models.
  • Worldwide coverage.


  • Limited to three main features.
  • Requires the target phone’s owner to tap the link.

Why Choose the Detectico Tracker?

Choosing Detectico over other location-tracking solutions comes with numerous benefits that set it apart in terms of reliability, ease of use, and effectiveness.

  1. Firstly, its precision is unmatched, providing exact coordinates and even specific addresses. This eliminates the guesswork often associated with cheaper, less accurate alternatives.
  2. Secondly, the simplicity of the system means that even those without technical expertise can easily navigate and use the service. There’s no need for complicated installations or specialized knowledge—just input a phone number and send a message.
  3. Moreover, Detectico’s global reach ensures that you can track a device no matter where it is in the world, making it an invaluable tool for anyone needing to locate friends, family, or lost phones internationally. Its compatibility with all phone types, including older push-button models, broadens its utility substantially.
  4. Finally, the emphasis on confidentiality and security means you can use Detectico without worrying about personal data breaches or encountering malicious software.

These attributes make Detectico the ideal choice for accurate, convenient, and secure location tracking.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Detectico Legit?

Yes, Detectico’s technology aligns with the Information Commissioner’s Office recommendations, ensuring explicit consent for location tracking.

How Fast Is It?

 Detectico typically finds a location in just 2 minutes after the message is received.

Network Support?

 Detectico works with any network provider globally.

Installation Required?

 No, it operates through a web browser.

The Bottom Line

Detectico is an effective solution for tracking phone locations using just a web browser and a phone number. It’s ideal for locating loved ones, colleagues, or anonymous callers. Additionally, it supports reverse number searches and data leak checks, making it a versatile tool. With unlimited searches available, Detectico offers an excellent deal.


  • Rosalyn Becker

    Hello! I’m Rosalyn Becker, an avid writer with a deep-seated passion for exploring the intersection of technology, personal development, and human relationships. My work focuses on providing insightful content that empowers individuals to improve their daily lives through innovative tools, actionable advice, and a deeper understanding of interpersonal dynamics.


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